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A member registered Jul 11, 2022

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(2 edits)

Also, I've been experimenting with using this system for solo games. Ie. GMing myself. 

This' worked really well but I only make rolls for my character, not for NPCs. So while NPCs may have aspects, these are only used for non-combat checks. 

Thus in combat, NPCs have resolve which can be reduced, but the combat itself is dictated solely by the rolls of my character, whether those rolls be fail, success with consequence, or etcetera. This' made combat very fast and streamlined. 

Hi again. You were right about classes such as 'barbarian' being too broad to use as aspects... 

On another note, I was wondering how best to create a mech pilot. Would the Mech itself be a collection of aspects, or would the mech simply be classified as gear, and be represented as a single aspect die on a character sheet?

Thanks again. :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for your reply!

Yeah I definitely see what you mean. I'll play around with the idea a bit, perhaps reducing the amount of aspects if I include a broad concept as an aspect. Barbarian and thief worked great when I ran myself solo the other day, so I may revisit the idea with players. 

Either way, I love these mechanics. :)

Hey there:

Would it ruin the game too much if I used classes as aspects as well? So a fantasy character might be: barbarian rank 3, thief rank 2, horse riding rank 2, goblin language rank 1, and swim rank 1 or some such. 
